Thursday, January 24, 2008

I have loved having a new baby in the house again.  It is so fun to dress her, 

bathe her, and just cuddle with her.  She definitely has a fiesty temper but 
we love her that way.

My friend and co-worker Jodi came and took these cute pictures of Anne, Elise, and Claire in December.  I have loved looking at them.  I cannot believe how big Anne and Elise are now.  As you can probably tell from the picture Anne is a great helper with Claire.  They both lover her to death, literally!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our blog.  I have finally joined the blog world thanks to my friend Jaclyn at work who showed me the ropes at about 1 AM last night.  We are all doing well.  Matt is finishing up Organic Chemistry and starting to prepare for the DAT later this year.  I am working full time at American Fork Hospital as a Labor/Delivery nurse.  Anne is in 3rd grade and will be in The Music Man musical in May.  Elise is in pre-school and loves living by her cousins Molly, Abby, Sam and Hailey.  Claire is 2 months old now and still enjoys keeping Matt and myself up all night. Hopefully she will get over her collicy stage and learn to sleep through the night in the near future.